"I hit a herbivore ..." Haruka Fujimoto, 42 years old, is a housewife. Her jealous expression and awkwardness are the cool beauty behind Aura, a beautiful woman who can not get close to her eyes, but on the other hand, she has a fragile pheromone that frustrated wife seeks men from all over. Her husband and I are going to be married 15 years ago this year, and although our relationship with the couple is not bad, it seems that living at night is not a full-fledged dream. "He's from a science and engineering university, and he's smart enough to be surprised." it seems that sex has decreased blatantly since the birth of a boy three years ago... "I've always wanted a boy... I had been on a regular basis for a while since my eldest daughter was born, but the next time a boy was born, I was so busy. When I heard it, I was said to be "sexy" (laughs) Thank you for the husband who made this superb pheromone beautiful wife a masturbation !! You can enjoy a lot of exquisite proportions of the fairy body.