Mizuki Takayama, a member of the cell WARIA, is captured by cyborg people who stood up during the terror investigation. It was transformed into selle dog and repelled cyborg terrorists. However, it is suddenly destroyed by the giant machine tentacle who suddenly attacked from behind? Selle dog, where a part of the helmet was released due to the damage that exceeds the durability of the cell suit, was further tightened up and lost the mind by the lightning. Cell dryer damage damaged by intense drills. Try to escape once again and be caught by a giant machine tentacle and wait for further blame! The computer, "gillelane", who defends the world's harmony, was trying to learn the negative emotions from the serle dog suitable for the model in order to create a pseudo human being instead of a human being! Can selle be able to prevent guilt rain's terrible conspiracy? Now, human race vs artificial intelligence? Bad end